F در معادله(پ۱- ۱)، را ثابت فارادی مینامند.
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معادله (پ۱- ۳)، رابطه بین نرخ هیدروژن مصرفی و جریان تولیدی میباشد. این قانون همان قانون فارادی نام دارد.
قانون هانری
بر اساس قانون هانری، در دمای ثابت مقدار گاز حل شده در یک مایع مشخص به صورت مستقیم به مقدار فشار جزئی آن گاز در مایع در حالت تعادل بستگی دارد [۴۴]. به عبارت دیگر غلظت گاز حل شده در یک مایع در حال تعادل، با فشار جزئی همان گاز رابطه مستقیم دارد، یعنی:
(پ۲- ۱)
که Hدرمعادله(پ۲- ۱) همان ثابت هانری میباشد. از آنجایی که دما ثابت فرض شده بود و همچنین جنس فاز مایع و گاز مشخص بود، بنابراین ثابت هانری به دما و همچنین جنس فاز مایع و گاز وابسته است. این ثابت برای هر جفت گاز – مایع به صورت تجربی در دماهای مختلف بدست میآید.
One dimensional simulation of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell is performed in this thesis. Different layer of the PEM fuel cell is modeled such as: the catalyst layer, membrane and the Gas Diffusion Layer (GDL). Computation of PEM fuel cell’s cathode Catalyst Layer (CL) is performed using agglomerate models, and the results are compared with homogenous one. The focus of the present study is on agglomerate model. In this study, the derivation of agglomerate model is performed in such a way that in the simplified case when agglomerate sizes shrink to zero, the homogeneous model condition is retrieved. Validations versus two sets of experimental data are performed. For example, in one of the validation cases, Case (II), it is observed that in Itot=3000 the homogeneous model overestimates the performance by 80%. But the agglomerate model agrees well with the validating test cases. A set of parametric studies are performed using the agglomerate model, in which the influences of some CL structural- and cell operating-parameters are studied. A sensitivity study on the cell performance is performed to rank the influence of the parameters, with rank 1 for the most influential parameter. It is observed the agglomerate sizes possess rank 1. A numerical modeling of membrane and GDLs of PEMFCs is performed with regard to humidified air (O2, N2 and H2O(v)) as the cathode inlet and humidified mixture of hydrogen and carbon dioxide (H2, CO2 and H2O(v)) as the anode inlet. The fuel cell (FC) is in steady-state condition. It is assumed that the FC is isothermal and isobar. The multi-component diffusion in the GDLs is modeled using the Stefan-Maxwell equation. The different diffusion mechanism of water in membrane is also simulated. The results of these models are also validated against the experimental data. After that a set of parametric study is also performed. The results show that, the resistance of FC is increased with the temperature of FC. The conductivity and water content of the membrane are also reduced with increasing temperature and/or current density. These results give useful guidelines for manufactures of PEMFC.
Keywords: Polymer exchange membrane fuel cell, Agglomerate model, Multi-component diffusion, Back diffusion, Electro-osmotic drag.
Amirkabir University of Technology
(Tehran Polytechnic)
One Dimensional Performance Modeling of PEM Fuel Cells
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science
Mahbod Moein Jahromi
Dr. Mohammad Jafar Kermani